Monday, September 23, 2013

Days 65--84: THIS IS NOT THE END!

Is this the end of the blog, you may wonder.  Why hasn’t she posted in such a long time?  I wish I had a good answer to that question.  I don’t.  Business is no excuse because everybody is busy.  Yes, the school year has started and uprooted my established summer schedule, forcing me to create a new one with more commitments and to do lists. Blah, blah, blah.  Every mother with school-aged children can say that.   And I’m entertaining the idea of going back to work, at least part time.  Blah, blah, blah.  I’m also planning a birthday bash for the twins. 

For those of you wondering if the lost pounds came back home, rest assured that is not the case.  I braved the scale about a week ago, after doing an hour and a half of yard clean-up every day for five days in a row—the most intense form of exercise I’ve ever done!

According to the scale then, I lost a total of 10 pounds since the end of June.  I still fit in the skinny jeans.  The question is, how to continue, how to curb my love of chocolate and my occasional cravings for carbs.  How to stay motivated, instead of allowing myself to indulge in those super-chocolaty kid-and-babysitter-made brownies.

I’ve been off the horse, sort of speak, for a few days now.  However, the plan is to get back in the saddle and weigh myself a week from today.  Now that I’ve made my plan public, the heat is on. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Days 58--64: Weight Loss Logic

There is a great scene in Jennifer Weiner’s book, Little Earthquakes. A smart, overweight heroine walks into a doctor’s office and senses that the doctor is looking at her sprawling body with disgust. “Have you tried Weight Watchers?” the doctor asks.
The heroine looks the doctor in the eye and says “I’ve never heard of them.”
Seems like the Weight Watchers is the darling, convenient doctor answer to weight loss. I’ve heard everything from a simple “I like Weight Watchers” to “Weight Watchers is the healthiest, most balanced way to lose weight.”
One time I had a doctor recommend Weight Watchers and then, in the same breath, tell me how it’s for people who are not disciplined or motivated enough to lose weight on their own and need group support. Ouch! A more sensitive health care professional said that Weight Watchers is about having weekly accountability to your weight loss process. Better answer!
May be I need that weekly accountability and group mentality since I don’t think any weight loss has been happening on my end lately. Why, you may ask. Because I’ve been late-night snacking to my heart’s delight and enjoying every minute of it. I’ve also been avoiding the scale (and enjoying that as well.)
I can still fit into my smaller skinny jeans—which means I haven’t gained the weight back. And I still need to make my engagement ring a size or two bigger. Apparently I’ve downsized my stomach and hips but not my fingers. (And they say there’s no such thing as spot reduction!)
Weight Watchers meetings used to be too far away from my house but now there’s a new location next to the grocery store I frequent. I’ve been a member of Weight Watchers many times throughout my life, but never a “lifetime member” (a status achieved only by those who reach their ideal weight and maintain it.) I haven’t been to Weight Watchers in over eight years. May be I’ll try one meeting for free before re-joining to see if the bells, whistles, and silver stars inspire me in any way at this point in my life. Still sticking to a low-carb way of life, though.